I brought my son to the dentist since he was 7 months old. My son doesn’t like it but at least we know everything is good. We go every 6 months for a check up. Look for a pediatric dentist.
They say once the first pops up you should take them…I took mine at a year old I did to ow when to take him… the spot you see might be from milk build up you can get baby gum wipes or practice brushing with finger brush for babies since they can’t use toothpaste
We had a dentist that first time was great she definitely wasn’t a fan but it’s typical. They looked at the teeth while dad held her and brushed them and went over oral care with us. Next visit was for a chipped tooth just this month so they took a very poor xray and said she needed 4 root canals at all of 20M old. We went to a different dentist to get a second opinion and they took many X-rays made sure they were clear, took time on examining her teeth and said she doesn’t need root canals especially since she’s so young but said that her teeth also didn’t show signs of tooth decay so there was no need to have her go to the hospital to get it done (hospital to get out under bc she’s too young for in office) (2)
(3) they opted for a fluoride treatment next visit IF it’s necessary and even said her chipped tooth didn’t expose tissue or the nerve so no need to cap that one either SO with your LO my best advice would be to follow your gut! If something seems like it’s not being done right or seems to extreme for your 7m get another opinion, tell them to redo things and also remember LO properly won’t like it for a while but will eventually get used to it, the younger you start the better because it’ll be known to them and almost like a routine I hope this helped I think I rambled a bit lol 🩷🩵
I took my son in at two and a half years old when all his teeth were in
Yeah. I mean they say to take your babies when they get their first teeth so I think it’ll be fine
I saw a spot on my son's teeth like a shadowy type spot and I thought the same thing that it was tooth decay and I was super worried about it so I made an appointment it turns out that it is iron do you give your baby iron supplements or high iron foods?
But basically he got a teeth cleaning and they cleaned off a majority of it and his teeth were nice and clean after that
For our daughter when she was about 5-11M we used this little silicon thing that goes over your finger and has super tiny soft bumps on it and you put it on your finger and can rub around in there mouth with water to get any build up off and then we used little baby cotton swabs for teeth to get rid of any milk residue after a bottle and before bed!
@Honor thank you!! Very helpful. I love all the detailed responses! 🫶🏼
I haven’t personally but a friend of mine took her little girl a couple months before she turned a year old because of a concern. Turns out she just had misdiagnosed hand foot mouth. If you have concerns it can’t hurt to be seen and hopefully it’s just nothing
I have! We took our little one at about 11M and she has like all of her teeth minus the molars that come in in a few years and they actually said they would’ve liked to see us in sooner so I think time wise especially with a concern is perfect ! (1) I’ll explain my experience next