He wants me to keep reaching out to the early steps about speech therapy but the people who did the evaluation said they don’t see a need for it and he doesn’t qualify but when I try to make him an appointment anyway they put me on a waitlist and don’t return my calls. I try to do speech exercises I find online but he won’t engage. He rather talk with his hands and try to use sign language
@Kaitlyn are there any more speech therapy places near you? I’d be calling as many as you can. Around this age 2 year olds should be speaking 50-100 words and working on saying short 2 word sentences. Trust your mom gut! You got this!
Not that I’ve seen. Just the early steps program. He’ll say “mama baba, mama up, mama uh oh and no mama” he can even count to 4 on his fingers if you say the numbers. Some people think he’s just being stubborn and some think he’s autistic. He’ll say a word and when I say it back to him for him to repeat it he looks at me and laughs
Lots of reading and keep talking to him! There are also speech therapy board books and youtube videos you can work with him at home. In the meantime keep trying to find a speech therapist that will see him! Sign language counts as words too! So keep encouraging him to use that! Anytime you sign to him give the verbal word too.
I’ll try to find some more books and videos. We may have to travel over an hour to find a speech therapist that can fit him in
I’m in the same boat. My son’s comprehension is through the roof, but he seems to refuse to speak. He has never really mimicked anything, even early on as I was teaching him simple signs. He would watch me do them, not try them himself, then do them in the correct context days later. I’ve tried everything; every early steps option, every technique recommended by friends who are speech therapists, trying things that I would think would motivate him….nothing. The most I can get out of him is “up”, “help”, “uh oh”, “open”, and “woof”. I’m getting kind of frustrated, but I also know that several of my family members were late talkers who spoke full sentences first. I don’t know what else to do and I’m exhausted trying to force it.
Yes! Exactly that. I’ll try to teach him a new word and a couple days later he’ll just say the word. He picks up on everything else so quickly but it’s like he’s getting a kick out of seeing me repeat a word 100 times trying to get him to say it
In the same boat here, her understanding is something else, she gets everything people around her are saying Has a few words, went to speech and language assessment and they said not concerned come back in 6 months if you want but we expect her to be talking by then I hear you, I’m trying but getting frustrated and feel very useless and like i just don’t know how to help
And he loves ms Rachel so we’ll sit there for hours and I’ll do every thing she does and he loves it. But he’ll also wait hours or days later to repeat a word we were trying to learn earlier
Same here my daughter can say 35 words a lot of sign language but don’t like to repeat she got evaluated and don’t qualified but can try again in 3 months cuz she just evaluated
@Clarisa what things are you doing to help her? Our pediatrician also thinks he could be mimicking the behavior of other kids we used to live with before we moved out
I read a lot to her… I have posters around the house, talk all the time to her and practices the words that she already know and use any opportunity to teach numbers and colors
She’s the only child, and is just me and her all the time.. I was told cuz she’s learning two languages can be the reason why. I was told be the therapist that she’s there that why I was recommended to get her evaluated again in 3 months
@Clarisa I need to buy posters and try that. He’s able to count to 4 on his fingers if I say the number but he won’t repeat it. He hates sitting still for more than 5 minutes and when I try to read to him all he wants to do is flip through the pages and point at all the different pictures
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When he pointed say the name of the things his pointing.. I do that we my girl.. she’s really smart I potty training her in two days this is the only issue but I’m planning to put her in early learning program but she needs to be 2.5
@Clarisa I would love any tips you have on potty training. He’ll pee in the potty with no issues whenever he needs to go but pooping is a whole different story
I used the 3 days method and no pull-ups straight to underwear
@Clarisa he loves his little boxers but he won’t pull them down. He walks around naked all day and instinctively knows to go potty when he has to. But when he has to poop he’ll poop wherever he’s standing
I would I would definitely keep pressing the issue with your pediatrician.