Yup currently going through it, soon as that 6pm time hits it’s screaming til he goes to bed, he might nap inbetween but wake up n scream again, it’s hard - really hard, and idk where it comes from, praying it ends soon
Might be something called PURPLE crying! Look it up, my bub went through this
My baby did this, still does and I think he does it when he’s happy and excited.. which is all the time. I think it’s just finding their voice.
@Jessica I’ve never heard of this! I will download it now and have a look! My carrier is difficult to clip at the back by myself but I could always try figure it out safely ! ❤️❤️
Have you downloaded wonder weeks? It’s great for explain fussy phases. Also have you tried baby carrying? My baby always settles when I pop her in the carrier and go for a walk ! Sending you love ❤️ it can be really hard !