Mental health and anxiety

I had an emergency c section after 3 days of attempted induction. Since then, I have a lot of anxiety, which starts creeping in especially as evening starts. It is also bad when my baby starts crying inconsolably and wants to comfort feed continuously. I am 3 months post partum and I don't know how to handle this. I also suffer from a lot of self doubt. On some days, I even wonder if I made a mistake by becoming a mother. Is this a normal feeling? If anyone else has been through this, I would appreciate any guidance on dealing with it. I am also not sure if my hormones are making it worse.
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I definitely understand where you’re coming from 100% I would def say try to find a therapist to talk to. That’s what I currently did. I was and still am struggling emotionally and I know it’s rough but just know honey you’re not alone. I know it may feel that way and trust me I feel like that all the time but just know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Have you looks to speak to a therapist/counsellor? I spoke to one shortly after my baby as I also had a lot of anxiety, and a lot of mine stemmed from fight or flight which was massively heightened due to PP hormones and essentially evolutionary stress of having to "protect my young" it realllllly helped me label it and it baiscally went away. Only had two chats! It's very normal, you have hormones changing massively up to a year I think PP and crying babies and lack of sleep really really don't help that. Id speak to someone and see how they can help, it's nothing to be ashamed off and might get you back on track quicker!

Hey hun, no this isn’t normal. Your body and mind went through trauma and lots of it. There are therapists for postpartum depression. I recommend starting a journal. Getting the feelings out helps a lot. I got an infection from my scheduled c section and have been in and out of the hospital so much that it’s about 28 days in total. You should get a self care journal it’s helped me a lot with dealing that I almost died 3 times in the past 2 months of my baby’s life

I’m 1 month PP and I feel the same way you are feeling, I started doing a small simple routine and it’s helped, a long shower, deep breaths, positive affirmations and getting ready for the day so you feel good, I don’t like to be home alone with baby so I’ve been getting out of the house and that’s helped a lot I am currently in the process of getting a therapist to make sure I’m on the right track and to be able to talk about my feelings

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