Dada is easier to say than make the M sound. My 1st didn't say "mama" for ages but then it never stopped. It's like "come on say mama" eventually says "mama" and that's it you hear "mama" a million times a day followed with specific insurance and demands
My girl always says "mamama" but I know she isn't addressing me, just babbling but I love it anyway 😂
@Amelia a win is a win lol it still counts 😂😂
@Fatima omg can’t wait for her to say it idk if it’s a million times lol cause I’m tired of hearing dada a million times 😂😭😭
Nana was his first word at 6 months then Nandad (Grandad) and Dada at 7 months and now at 9 months he says Hello and YeahYeah x
Wow my boy isn't even babbling yet he just coos and squeals but no "Mamama" "Dadada" "Bababa" etc yet
Wow that's impressive! I thought my eldest spoke early and his first word was at 10 months! Just babbling dada, mama and Baba for us- 8 months this week.