
I swear I’m always posting these days😅🙃 Anyway, is it possible my babies doing things for attention? I understand that sounds so horrible to say but hear me out. He’s doing a weird things where he’s sounding like he’s struggling to breathe/gasping which is honestly terrifying. But as soon as I put the phone on him to record he stops. As soon as i give him my hand he stops. Literally anytime I take my eyes off whatever i’m doing to give him attention he’ll stop. I don’t know if he is actually having troubles or if it’s just because he wants me to show him attention? he’s otherwise fine.
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My daughter kind of does the same she tenses so her forehead goes red whenever i put her down not all of the time, but as soon as i pick her up she stops

@Holly Glad it’s not just him. He’s not doing it now he’s quite happy but every now and again does it until i give him something or just even look at him then he stops. So random!

My little one just screams the house down or holds his breath 😒 he’s definitely a Velcro baby I can’t put him down for one second without him screaming and holding his breath until he changes colour the second I pick him up he’s full of smiles and story’s

@Demi Honestly why do they do it! So scary, I don’t mind him wanting his mummy that’s normal and I love that he loves me but there’s no need to scare me like that😵‍💫😂

@Caitlin yh I know gives me the fear I think he’s somehow hurt himself badly if it wasn’t for me watching whilst it happened I would have thought something bad happened to him but I love that he loves me that much he would rather be on me all the time as it doesn’t last long at all x

My little boy had started doing this, it really panicked me! I was thinking he was struggling to breathe but he seemed absolutely fine! We are wondering if hes realising he can breathe through his mouth now as I know they can only breathe through their nose for the first few months, he’s not doing it no where near as much now.. defo think it was that though!

@Charlie That is a good shout. Didn’t even think about that!

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