
What is going on with these tantrums 🙃🙃 I actually think I cry most days with how bad the tantrums get!! My son throws at awful tantrum and will hit/pull at his dads face but with me he will just scream and make himself a deadweight on the floor, I do everything I can to validate his feelings and acknowledge the big feelings, tried distracting him, giving him space and praying it’s over quick!! Don’t really know what this post is about I think I just need to know I’m not alone😂
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I’m so sorry. We had a terrible time with tantrums a few months ago and I think came up with a lot of doing mechanisms from it, so they are so much better now. It’s just horrible to see them so distressed isn’t it?

I wish I had some advice but I don't:( I'm going through this myself with my little boy. It's so hard when all you wanna do is help them xx

No advice but my girl has started having awful tantrums too. And because I’m in early pregnancy I cry every time she hits me. She also throws herself to the floor and makes herself a dead weight and like spaghetti so it’s hard to pick her up

Not the best way I know but honestly I bang out the dancing fruits and I also have a game on my phone called bimi boo toddler games which he loves and seems to claim him down 😁 it’s more of a distraction and when his calm we have a little cuddle and then wait an hour and do it all again 😂

It’s awful! My little girl rolls around banging her head into things and there’s nothing that calms her down. I usually just sit on the floor and wait it out and when she’s finished she comes over for a cuddle. If I interfere, she gets more agitated and it prolongs the tantrum 🙃. I’ve found that spending more time throughout the day on her level playing with her, has reduced the tantrums (sitting in her play area instead of on the sofa) but I’m 34 weeks pregnant so it’s not very comfortable for me to spend my days sitting on the floor 🤣🤣. Hopefully the tantrums get easier

Are you able to distract before it becomes a big tantrum?

Honestly my daughter loves play fighting I think it helps her realease all her pent up energy and strength, her tantrums are very minimal . I wonder if it helps? Or maybe I’m speaking too soon 🤣

I also notice that if my Lo is tired from not getting enough sleep or if she has sweets then she is more likely to have meltdowns. I have to limit those sweet foods for sure

We have just been through a phase of this! The best way is to try and spot the signs and try to avoid with my little one as when he hits tantrum time there is absolutely nothing I can do but wait. In fact, if I try to comfort him, cheer him up or calm him down he’s absolutely defiant and gets worse! Even dancing fruit and miss Rachel can’t save us 🤣 For us if it’s past the point of distraction techniques we find it better to say ‘okay we’ll be right here when you’ve calmed down or if you want a cuddle’ and then il stay close by but look busy tidying up keep talking to my partner and I keep checking in ‘are you done yet? No? Okay’ and then he does calm down once he’s realised he’s not getting the attention and he’s missing out on things. Of course not as easy if it’s happening out and about. Happy to say though it’s definitely improved so I promise it will pass!

@Laura this! Sounds just the same as my boy xx

@Stephanie that’s a good point. With ignoring the meltdown! This typically works for older children in schools when they have tantrums. Not giving too much attention can really stifle that

My problem is getting my wee girl in the car it started a couple of months ago screaming, arching her back, kicking me or the car and a new one is we go to a class on a Tuesday and Thursday and in both classes she refuses to get put her jacket on amd throws herself on the floor and screams. In the Thursday class it’s even worse they sit around for 5 mins of circle time and my daughter won’t sit like all the other kids of similar ages she just runs about and if I try to get her to come back she throws herself on the floor. I then get so stressed and embarrassed by the whole thing. I also try to get her to walk into the classes but she will only walk a wee but then sit down. I then think should I take her to the classes at all I know that sounds terrible but it’s quite stressful x

I would keep taking her. She will see the other kids and perhaps copying what they are doing. It’s also good for her to be in new environments

Been having a lot of trouble with fruit recently. Who knew serving a banana the wrong way could ruin someone's day. And my God forbid if I peel an orange 😂 i literally have my fruit bowl hidden.

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