Also struggling 😣 I’ve found that standing my ground and trying to emphasise my boundaries has helped, just remember this is your pregnancy, your body and your baby ! Make your wishes clear. Hope all is well if you ever need to talk feel free to pop me a message :) x
I think there's 2 conversations that need to be had, no matter how hard. If your other half won't speak to her, you'll have to, for your own sanity. They may think you're being tough but it's a personal choice and explain both pros and cons together. If they/she don't listen to you asking for space then sod her to be honest. You're request is totally valid. Tell her she'll get more information if she leaves you to it. Just don't message back if she continues. Hope she improves 🤞xx
I've found myself in a similar situation, mainly with MIL wanting to post personal photos of me during this pregnancy on social media and share with people I don't know without my permission and I just had to stand my ground and told her that she's making me uncomfortable and it's putting unneeded extra pressure/stress on me and it needs to stop. I recommend having an honest conversation with her