Have you tried a leave in conditioner and/or detangler? I used both on my daughter’s hair and she so far hasn’t had issues (or maybe we are lucky?)
@Reagan it’s down to his shoulder blades
@Jessica do you have a specific brand you use?
Braiding it before he sleeps. Even a high loose ponytail.
@Megan I use honest brand calm detangler, and the leave in conditioner is Johnson’s for curly hair (she doesn’t have curly hair). I
@Megan could you braid it before he sleeps?
@Reagan I am going to try but he’s at the age where he gets upset if one little hair is being pulled too tightly.
@Jessica thank you! I’ll have to give it a try
@Megan it doesn’t have to be super tight you can also leave out a tiny bit of hair from the perimeters so nothing is pulling the nape of his neck
How long is his hair?