I had a third degree tear and some separation of my stitches. I would say about the 3-4 month mark is when I felt comfortable to wipe normally again. I’m 6 months pp now and it feels generally normal. I have some scar tissue sensitivity when I wear certain underwear or tight pants, but overall feel great finally. It was such a long process though, but I promise it does get better. If you really are in excruciating pain though don’t feel bad about getting a second opinion even from someone else in your doctors practice.
Oh my goodness this sounds horribly painful! Did they give you a reason for not stitching it back??
@Melanie yes!! She said it will heal own its own. If you are in pain take paracetamol.
@Brittinie may be i will be fine after 6 months. Yes !! I have requested for perineal specialist
@Alyse haven’t told anything yet but I have requested for perineal specialist
I haven’t had this happen but I would be livid. Did they say there’s a reason why you shouldn’t have treatment?