First time I’ve been ill with the baby and feeling guilty.

Morning Mammas! Sorry for the TMI but I’ve had the worst period ever since giving birth. I know the first day of your period can be heavy but this was like when I’d come home from the hospital after giving birth. The same day I’ve come down with this horrific cough and cold and I think it’s just been a combination of both, it’s knocked me for six. I’ve ended up having to ask my husband to take a day off work as I just can’t see me being able to take care of the baby today. Now I have the worst mum and wife guilt ever. I feel so stupid because that’s a silly way to feel when you know it’s the right thing to do. Has anyone else been poorly since having their baby yet? It feels so strange sitting in bed but I need a rest.
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Oh no! I hope it passes for you quickly! After Christmas I got an awful sickness bug and became so weak, I had to have my partner take more time off work and do all baby stuff. I know the guilt of not doing anything but just make sure you take the time to rest up.

I had a rotten cold and literally couldn’t get out of bed for 2 days which isn’t like me and now I’m just recovering from norovirus 🤢 I had to do exactly the same and my partner took a week off because they both hit one after the other, so please don’t feel guilty! Before baby I would power through where I could and wouldn’t ever recover properly (I’m a primary school teacher, so this never helped), but I realised this time I need to rest and recover so I can look after our baby properly. The only care I’ve mostly done is feeding our son, as he’s ebf, whilst my partner took the rest on. I now feel better and I know in the long run had I not stopped and taken time to get better I would probably still feel like crap! If you have help and support around you, definitely accept it, hope you feel better soon x

Don't feel guilty. Feeling poorly is out of your control. I have a horrible cold/flu currently, and so does my baby boy, which is so heartbreaking because he's struggling. Don't beat yourself up mama you will soon feel better xx

@Alisha awww I hope you and your baby start to feel better soon. I’m worried I’m going to give it our baby too. I’ve got an Amazon order coming today full of snuffle babe and snot suckers just in case. It’s awful when they’re poorly makes the mum guilt hit even harder. X

@Hannah oh gosh I bet you pick up everything from school. Awful thing to say but I think it will definitely make my husband see what I get upto and how much running about I do in a day time. He’s a great dad but he’s got no idea 😅

Thank you x I really do hope so sooner rather than later. Same, i was hoping he wouldn't catch it. I was so upset when he did 😔 aw that's good you're prepared, just I'm case. Hopefully, Bubba doesn't catch it xx

Don’t feel guilty, I know we do it anyway but sometimes we really can’t pour from empty cups. I had flu a few weeks ago and i literally had to ask my mum to take my little girl overnight because I just couldn’t do it. The thought of feeling so rubbish and having to look after her made me sob. Just take the time you need and accept the help around you 🤍 Hope you’re feeling better soon. X

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