
My little girl is 11 months, and has always been independent - in day to day life at least, night time is another story 👀🤣 she would always happily independently play for most of the day, never be bothered if I went into another room, only ever cried if she was hungry, tired or had a 💩 She got really poorly a couple weeks ago. Nothing serious, just an intense viral infection, cleared up for the most part after about 10 days. But she has become super clingy and emotional unless she is with me. I can’t even go to the toilet, even when my partner is staying with her, without her screaming until she can see me again. Shes also lost a lot of interest in playing with her toys. We keep it new and exciting for her and switch them out every few days but she just wants to cling to me. She refuses to stand and walk (supported) as well. Whereas before being ill it’s all she wanted to do ALL the time. Is this normal for this age? Pic so we don’t get lost 😊
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I can relate to an extent. My daughter tends to whinge if I leave the room even with her Dad ect. She went through a phase of not caring about her toys at all and stopped sofa surfing ect but has got back into it again now! Evenings though, she often will keep latching to me wanting milk constantly and whinges a lot. If I leave room in the evening time she will get hysterical (in living room)

From the very beginning my little boy has been and continues to be stuck to me if I leave him with his own dad he screams until I come back breaks my heart but hoping him starting nursery in the next couple of weeks will give him the independence he needs x

My LO is quite independent usually but if she’s teething or a little under the weather she’s how you have described. Give her time to recover properly and she’ll get over it

Story of my life was getting worried too started at 11 months too

My LO is the same, we were all so ill for pretty much October and it took ages for her to get ‘back to normal’ and she only wanted me for bed time. But she did and back to independant play and happy to be with other people once she was truly well, has got on well with the first week nursery(apart from picking up the bugs so she’s wanting cuddles again atm) x

My lil boy is the same every time he gets ill.

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