Yes it’s a total nightmare. It’s just a slow crawl to the finish line now!
Both my toddlers are honestly so difficult. My 3 year old is currently having tantrums and throwing things around and hitting his brother when he doesn’t get his way… he makes demands I cannot make such as he wants his birthday right now when it’s in July and he wants xxx and it has to be now now now. Today he wanted a piggy back as he was tired walking home from nursery and it resulted in me falling down on both my hands and knees and cutting myself open. He’s just so difficult My 18 month old he’s also in tantrums very clingy but like to hit/bite/kick pull my hair and pull everything he can when mad, so much so he’s drawn blood from scratching my face. He also wants everything now now now. I’m 31 weeks and feel like I’m dying inside as I cannot keep going
my little one keeps asking to be picked up and insists i rock her but she’s just so heavy and i feel bad but i swear i feel something pop everytime i lift her up and my back is in bits🥲
I have a toddler who to be fair is very well behaved (for a toddler!), but I’m still finding it physically challenging as I have to pick him up multiple times a day and am getting so many aches & pains with the bump!
I feel you! You're definitely not alone! I have a 3yr old and finding it so hard at the moment. Doesn't help that my husband has been away with work for a week so I've been doing it all solo (and we have a dog which adds to the mix) so just feeling constantly knackered! Luckily I have a good bunch of friends who have rallied to help out! I'm clinging to the advice I've been given that it's harder being pregnant with a toddler than having a newborn and toddler 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤣
Yes yes yes! Getting him changed in the mornings / evenings is SO tough and I can no longer do it on my own as he fights me and kicks 🥲