@Natalie Sounds exactly like my boy! He doesn't interact much with the other kids but he definitely observes what they're doing so I think you could be right! Thank you for sharing xx
My son has been at nursery since around 11 months old but he was similar to this, talking much more at home than at nursery - he has always loved nursery and loved the staff but I think he’d been speaking for a good 4 months before they heard him speak a word and for a lot longer than that he was speaking a bit but much less than at home. In the last few months he’s started speaking as much as nursery as at home. It just took time and it’s still new for your little one. He still goes quite quiet when we go somewhere new and he’s taking things in but nursery he’s a chatterbox now. He’ll get there!
@Abby Thank you for sharing! That's really put my mind at ease. He has such a good relationship with the staff and they all love him so I didn't understand what was going on. But at least now I know he's not the only one 😁
I could have wrote this ! They tell me he’s so quiet , doesn’t know his colours etc and it always seems weird because he doesn’t stop talking at home , knows all his colours, can count to 20 etc. he just doesn’t show them that at all. I think it’s more that he’s just observing the other kids more so than not wanting to talk to the key worker xx