Webbed toes

Anonymous for my baby’s privacy. She is 11 weeks and I’m just noticing she Has webbed toes. I noticed they looked funny before and took a closer look today. Obviously the dr is closed. Dr Google says it can be inherited. No one in our immediate families has them. Unknown causes or a whole list of genetic disorders. All her screenings have come back normal. But my mama heart is stressing. Anyone have experience with webbed toes? Especially if no underlying conditions have caused them? Or if a condition did cause them would you share more? I know the toes themselves aren’t a cause for concern and shouldn’t cause her any issues.
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I would wait until Monday to ask her pediatrician. But people live a normal lifes with this condition. If your genetic test came back normal she's fine. Its a cosmetic thing that she could feel insecure about later. But consult her pediatrician on Monday.

@Kendra Budd thanks I sent a message. I’m just worried about an underlying cause. I know in and of themselves they’re not a worry. I made the mistake of going down the Google rabbit hole. My mama heart is just worried.

Don’t stress it’s not harmful to them at all my husband has webbed toes on one of his feet and he always says makes him a fast swimmer and they say it’s inherited but neither of my two children have it 🤷🏼‍♀️ sos maybe skips generations or doesn’t always pass on.

I have a family member with webbed toes. No one else in the family has them, and their children don’t either. This person is a wonderful and successful individual, loving parent, quite intelligent, great job, perfectly “normal.” I wouldn’t stress too much if you don’t see any other signs of a possible genetic condition!

I have webbed toes (35), exactly the same as your Bub. So has my sister - never impacted us at all. Not aware of anyone else in the family having them - No underlying conditions, just a random occurrence. My kids don’t have them. Chances are, she’s just fine!

Thank-you so much ladies. I really appreciate the encouraging words.

I have webbed toes! On both feet, doesn’t affect anything. No one else in my family has, my daughter doesn’t, they can be separated but you have to take skin graphs from somewhere else and it’s purely aesthetic. I call them my twins 😂

Also, mine are webbed all the way to the nail bed. 😊

@Sarah thank-you for sharing

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