What helped is knowing that mothers sleeping with their infants is the human norm. Really, it's the norm for most mammals. Because infants evolved to sleep with their mothers and not far away and alone, there are probably ways in which it's *safer* to sleep with your infant than to leave them alone. Your body is not a risk to your baby unless you're intoxicated or something like that. The real main risk is bedding, but that's manageable if you follow the safe sleep 7. If you want more about the science around this issue, I would recommend Safe Infant Sleep by James McKenna. When you're first starting, it can also help to have someone watch you sleeping with your baby for an hour or so. My husband watched me sleep with our newborn because it made him nervous, but watching us together he says he immediately realized that there was no way I could roll over on the baby.
I was nervous but cosleeping also worked for me the most…what helped me a lot is putting he bed against the wall, sleeping between baby and my husband and most importantly practicing La Leche League’s safe cosleeping tips like sleeping in cuddle curl. Normally for anxiety I take magnesium for anxiety and for my cycles and all but I didn’t take that so that my sleep wasn’t too deep. One thing that helped is thinking eastern cultures cosleep, its natural, and a lot of cases that are dangerous involved unsafe sleep practices like blankets and pillows on the bed or a soft mattress, parents taking drugs, sickness or sleep medication etc