Definitely don’t be anxious! All babies do different things at their own pace and it’s definitely early for crawling. My 3 year old was crawling and pulling himself up on furniture and cruising by 7 months but hadn’t a tooth in his head until 9 months old. My June baby will be 8 months on the 13th, he has 8 teeth at the moment and can sit up on his own. But unlike his big brother, he can’t get up into a sitting position himself and it is only this past week that he has started moving while on his tummy by pulling himself with his arms and it’s only really today that I can see him kind of getting ready for crawling by pushing himself up onto his knees for a few seconds. She will get there in good time!
Sounds like she’s very close to crawling! Mine keeps pushing herself backwards and is getting very frustrated! I remember my eldest being the same, but she didn’t crawl till she was 10 months and it’s never held her back. We’ve only got 1 tooth so far too. Don’t stress!
My girl is going 8 months old on the 10th too!! She’s getting there with crawling, moves backwards, gets into the position easily etc and just gets frustrated as she can’t move when she wants. She almost there tho! My girl cannot sit up without me or my partner sat behind her slightly as she is very wobbly. She’s got her two front teeth but all babies work in mysterious ways! She’ll get there when she’s ready 🤍🤍
My best friends girl just turned 10 months and crawled on her 10 month birthday she also has no teeth either x
It sounds like she's hitting all of her milestones I wouldn't worry! My boy will be 8 months on the 13th Feb. He has no teeth, he can roll and sit unassisted but can't get himself into the sitting position, he doesn't babble any consonants just vowels and squealing. It sounds like your girl is very close to crawling since she's rocking back and forth. Mine has been army crawling for 1 week and now he's getting so frustrated because he keeps pushing onto his knees but can't coordinate his arms/legs to move forward so he just pushes himself backwards! They'll get there
My baby girl doesn’t crawl, doesn’t turn on her tummy and no teeth. She does sit up unassisted, waves bye bye and gives you kisses when you ask for a kiss. Every baby is different 💛
My baby is a week older than yours and on Monday finally figured out her hands and is now crawling everywhere. Keep giving her the chance to try and lots of encouragement and she'll figure it out! She sounds right on track though. X
Oh also we have no teeth either! My son didn't get his first until 9.5 months though so I'm not concerned about that at all
Each kid is different my oldest was dragging himself at 6 months old. He wasnt to go places. My 7 month now barely manages to go backwards. He does almost all steps but cant do it all at the same time. He can get his butt up and lift his head. Cant do both. He is my babbler where as my oldest didn't really talk at all. They do everything in their own time and not much you can do to make them.
My eldest didn’t get her first tooth until 15 months so I’m fully expecting the same with my 8 month old! It’s nothing to worry about :)
Thank you mamas❤️ my baby just put herself in sitting position from tummy today. I am so happy for her 💗 💓
My LO is 7 months, will be 8 months on 28th Feb, can't sit up on her own, push herself to sit up, hardly babbles, or even attempting to crawl, whereas my 18 month old had done it all by now, not worried though, they will do it in their own time! Plus I don't have the energy for a crawler yet 😂😂😂
That all sounds spot on to me ☺️ don’t worry mama! My little one will be 8 months on 5th and isn’t fully crawling, but he gets around army crawling. He also has no teeth. My eldest didn’t get any teeth til 10 months and crawled around 8 months ish too x
Some babies don't crawl. My eldest never crawled. Just got up one day!
I believe the most common age range for crawling is 7-10 months. So your baby is right at the start of the range so there's plenty of time for crawling. My eldest army crawled at 8.5months, hands and knees crawled at 9.5 months and walked at 11 months so I wouldn't worry. He was running by his first birthday!