Update, it took an hour for him to fall asleep again.
I used to rock my daughter to sleep and it would take forever. But now I give her a bath then bottle and read to her while she’s eating then put her in her bed right away and she’s knocked out for the night. I think me rocking her was keeping her up. Maybe try just putting him in bed after your bedtime routine
My daughter just turned two. We do about 30-40 min of 'play time' on the bed where my husband and I watch a lil TV and she's allowed to jump/roll around. Then we turn off the TV and turn on the white noise and usually within about 15 minutes she's asleep
Whole bedtime routine or just once I’m actually attempting to get him to sleep? For the second option- On a good day <10min, on a day where he fights it, like 20 min. He’s also 8 1/2 months if that matters.
I’d say 40-50 mins is average over here for me too 🥲he’s 16 months old
If it takes more than 10 minutes or so we’ve found he’s just not tired enough x
@Deja I’m not sure about the original poster, but for me it’s the second option 😩 a full hour of nursing/laying down with him before he closes his eyes. It doesn’t matter what time either, like I try to push it back a little so maybe he’ll be more tired and it’ll go faster but nope, has to be at least an hour.
We start at 8.. we do bathe, put on pj's, read book and nurse to sleep.. The whole routine takes 30-45 minutes
About an hour or more. I’m also nursing him to sleep and he wakes up every 1-2hours. He skipped his nap for three days in a row and bedtime only took 20min each night but he napped today so we’ll see if it’s back to an hour+