Following! Same! My little boy is 6 months next week and has started this ear piercing scream/ screech..he’s fine in himself because he can switch really quickly to a smile/ laugh! And it’s not the same as a cry etc. Just glad to know it’s not just mine 😆
@Kristy lol same
At 6 months they start getting separation anxiety. Could be that. Maybe try coming back at slightly longer intervals so he gets used to the fact you come back and still exist even when out of sight.
@Marina he does it even if I'm in sight 😫 basically any time I'm not holding him
That's rough, sounds very much like my daughter, she is so unsettled any time she's put down now :(
Currently going through this and my baby is 6 months next week…. it was cute at first and now it goes through me!!!!!!!!! I think it is just a phase as I have seen a lot of people speak about it… hopefully not a long phase 😂