My 18 month old is delayed in walking. He’s already getting early intervention, but today during therapy, the specialist said she was concerned that my son likes to throw toys instead of consistently playing with them. I kept asking questions about what concerns she had exactly and she mentioned it could be autism.
My son doesn’t like to stack blocks. He will play with the Lego and stack a layer but does throw them. He can sit by himself and play with his shape sorter and even stack rings just fine. He doesn’t stim unless excited about something and that’s about it. He did point a couple times, but doesn’t actively point at things he likes nor does he wave goodbye. He does say a couple words and can feed himself.
I’m wondering if I’m just overthinking when I say that I felt hopeless when thinking about the possibility of him not being able to stack his blocks or follow a direct command like (give me the blanket w/out getting distracted or throwing things) anyone out there that can relate?
Thank you for your kind words! I’m doing my best to advocate for my son.