7 weeks pp Was still bleeding at 6 week check last week. Doctor was slightly concerned but not too much as I have been well in myself. She prescribed antibiotics and sent a swab to the lab, she thinks it may be retained placenta. Was told to call back if I finished the antibiotics and am still bleeding. Finished the course yesterday and have had some red bleeding today so am going to call tomorrow. Definitely mention to your doctor if concerned. I’ve done a little bit of googling, I know isn’t a great thing to do, and read that some people can bleed for 12 weeks! I was slightly concerned as with my first I had stopped bleeding by week 3/4 Edit: natural birth and placenta delivery x
I gave birth 7 weeks ago and also had a natural birth. I also had to have my placenta manually removed and I bled for 3 weeks. I had my first period last week also and pretty much back to normal now (not sure if it makes a difference but I bled for 6 weeks with my first so not sure if that makes a difference) I think 6 weeks is normal and I just think everyone recovery is so different xx
5 weeks. Then a period a week later which latest 3 weeks 🫠 GP has done bloods and a scan and I’ve got an infection and a polyp on my section scar. Worth getting it checking if you’re worried!
Thank you, that helps! Think I'll mention it to the GP just to be sure, I feel well in myself so not particularly concerned
Im 8 weeks and still bleeding. Although I think the last 2 have been my period and I had a c- section.