Just need to talk

Does anyone on here struggle with their mental health? Just always feeling like a rubbish mum or get annoyed easily, I always wake up wanting to be the best mum ever and don't sleep at night because I feel like I could have done better but then my son just whines all day no matter what I do and I end up just getting short with him and then just hate myself. Just feel like I can't cope with all the pressure of what ifs and how do I raise a good person and how can I teach him to regulate his emotions when I cant when regulate my own so tired im trying so hard but I just feel like I can't do it. I have no friends, my mums had depression all her life and unfortunately i got postnatal anxiety and depression after a really horrible birth and still struggling and me and my siblings don't really get on everything is so sad in my life right now, I just don't want him to remember me being the moody snappy mum when I'm trying my best everyday to be happy
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Could have wrote this myself! Your doing an amazing job the fact your even worrying means you care so much. There is so much pressure to me amazing and really all they want is our time and our comfort. Don’t worry we’re only human we all get moody and grumpy I’m sure my mum did well I know she did and I love her to pieces xx

@Femi thank you so much, I just think he deserves so much love and sometimes I really struggle to be a happy put together mum but your words are really kind 💖

Could have write it myself too, I try everything to be good enough (not even perfect) , do everything for my family, try to start a business, do the house chores alone so I save my partner time as he works full time, looking after the kids all day and then go to work 4 hours a days 5 days a week. I still feel like I am not doing enough for my children because I am always busy doing something. To be a Happy Mommy is far away from me at the moment, I also don't sleep more than 6 hours per day so I could get more things done.

Message me if you want to chat I am here for you!❤️ Even if it's only 1 message a day! So sorry if I can't be present more than that.

Yes I feel you here. If you want an online friend (doubt we'll be close geographically but you never know) happy to chat! We sound quite similar in mind sets/toddlers. You are never alone :)

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