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Have you noticed an increase in the following two things? Why do you think this is happening? Isnt this supposed to be a place to support each other... we have a choice to leave comments or not. 1. Judgemental rude comments 2. Troll posts
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Yes you ask a question and it gets turned round on you when your just asking for advice 😮😭

Not more than usual for me. Although there are periods when troll posts flood the feed, I’ve seen maybe one or two in the past few days.

Weekends always have more rage bait and troll posts.

@Mariah Exactly. I saw this post of this mom who was talking about her high risk pregnancy and some people said she was just over reacting or was just lucky she could get pregnant. Are people not allowed to feel scared or unsure now? My goodness. I felt so bad for whomever wrote that

@Jazmine Centanni True... so true.

I think I see more judgmental comments made towards moms/expecting moms based on the decisions they make for THEIR KID which I guess really confuses me because no one has the same opinions and no two people are alike and people really get judged for how they choose to take care of their own child, honestly it’s really sad. I see it on multiple platforms/social medias, like I’m not understand why people are arguing in other moms comments about something they either chose or not chose to do for their baby and get mad because someone chose to do the opposite 🤦🏼‍♀️ makes no sense to me

@Taiylor exactly! I saw that on a post recently on swaddling with arms in or having those sleep sacks with the arms out but its made for that age group. Each kiddo is different. Some love being completely wrapped up arms and all. Some do not. Why are we agruing in a arms free swaddle recommendation post?

When i first started on this app about 9mo ago i noticed it more then. Seems like its calmed down a bit, even touchy subjects seem to be more civil lately. I appreciate it because every other social media has gone the opposite way lol

I’ve been on here for 5 years, it’s always been the same.

Or the fact that some parents don’t want their babies circumcised, I saw that post before this girl was getting hate because she asked proper care for uncircumcised boys and someone was telling everyone it was gross like calm down it’s not even your son just because you don’t want it done and think it’s gross doesn’t mean other people feel the same. What’s next we are gonna argue about what diapers are best 🤦🏼‍♀️, I came to all these groups/apps to either help women with my knowledge or get help from other people, I was hoping it would be a more uplifting and understanding place but I guess it’s not and your always gonna have judgmental people

@Taiylor Right? People have their reasons for why they choose circumcision for their son. If you don't agree with it then move on and if you have a son in the future or have had a son and chose to leave him uncircumcised that was your choice. Others may not agree with that choice either but again not their son

I 100 percent agree

@Taiylor oof yeah, that and the great breast fed vs formula fed debate

@Victoria yes that’s another great example! I can’t believe that one slipped my mind while writing the one comment

@Victoria and how long they choose to breastfeed too... many people breastfeed for a few weeks or up to 2 years. The length at which you should or should not breastfeed is a great debate in comments as well.

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