This doesn’t sound too dissimilar to my little boy and I’m not worried x
My boy ignores me a lot too at the moment!They are still so little so give him time, I would make a note of any concerns that you have and keep an eye on them if you’ve still got them when he’s two I’d speak to your HV x
Thank you so much really appreciate it xx
I’ve read that generally little ones are either more mobile first or more vocal and it sounds like your little one was the first and is already very independent which is fantastic. They are still very little and around this age I’ve heard they tend to have a burst and come out with lots! My little one has only just started copying and before was very much the same. I was reading the other day the best thing to do is start with actions or useful phrases like “up, down, more, all done etc” rather than colours or numbers because it’s harder for association that way. He honestly sounds like he is on track some babies are just super advanced x
To be honest they are still so young. My little ones going through something similar and my health visitor was just like ignoring you, only saying a couple of words is completely normal. I think we are always on high alert because we want the best for our babies but they are still so young. I read from 18months they have a massive spurt and that's why they don't like to see them untill 2 for any developmental issues xxx