Stupidly tested too early

I stupidly tested 2 days post FET and got a negative. Surely there’s still a chance I could be pregnant right? And I’ve just tested way too early.
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Yes there's definitely a chance. I was told that the earliest some people receive a positive would be around 6dpt. Its too early to test as of yet

On a natural pregnancy, people ovulate, the embryo reaches the womb about 6 days later. And normally you won't know you are pregnant when your period is missing, which is 14 days after your ovulation. So don't test until 8 dpt.

Not possible to have a positive at 2dpt. I had my positives at 4dpt and 6dpt with my 2 kids. Good luck!

Oh it's way too early so the result doesn't really mean anything yet! You've still got time

My first positives were 4dp5dt and 8dp5dt! 2 days is too early to tell but you may still get a negative on day 7 and it be positive day 8. Hang in there! ❤️

I started getting positive on day 4 after transfer, with a faint line .

The soonest it’s possible is 3 or 4 days post transfer. the soonest I’ve ever heard of and this person had triplets, was 3 days post transfer. I got my positive very early with twins implanted at 4days

@Isabela but you have implanted 2 embryos or 1 ?

@Andreia two and they did both implant however one stopped growing after maybe a week or so. I was very nauseous and symptomatic though while they were both growing. At my seven or 8 week dating scan there were two sacs but only one baby the other sac had already started to shrink

@Isabela sorry for your loss on an embryo and congratulations 🥳.

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