Was that because of a ultrasound? I know when I conceived and I’m measuring smaller than that so I should be 13 weeks 3 days but I’m measuring only 12 weeks 5 days. It all depends on how big baby is measuring I conceived baby 11/17 which is why I’m saying from that I’m 13 weeks 3 days. You normally conceive baby 2 weeks after your period so if your 14 weeks you would have conceived around 11/10. So my guess is you ovulated early like right when your period stopped.
This would make since but considering the fact I ovulated early being 17 Dpo a serum test should have picked up. I only know that cause I work for a lab🤣
@Mon according to the ultrasound I was measuring ahead of time
Is your baby measuring bigger? Is that why they did 14 weeks?