I'm not sure if children would be allowed in but i'm sure with her being so young and you breast feeding they could make some arrangements for u to have her with u! There will be mums without childcare who need to take their children and have no choice but to in order to check babies healthy and i doubt they'd get turned away because they'll want to check babies okay x
My EPU doesn’t allow children so I would call and ask. If you’re at EPU there is a 50/50 chance something has gone wrong with your pregnancy and the last thing they want is to tell you you’ve lost your baby and then send you back out into a waiting room with children/babies there.
@Laura that’s what I was suddenly thinking I wouldn’t want to cause further upset. I will make alternate arrangements xx
Could they come but wait in the cafe / different area of the hospital?
@Laura yeah that’s what we are doing x it’s awful as I don’t want to go alone and I don’t want my hubby to not be included but also understand having my little girl in the waiting room wouldn’t be fair on others xx
Hope all is okay for you!
At mine you are not allowed children in EPU. Mine son was sick off nursery and my husband away with work when I needed to go: EPU were great, and the receptionist came and waited with my son whilst I was scanned in the cafe. If you call them and explain they will advise on what do to.
Hope you’re ok! My husband waited in the car with our LO as we had no childcare and although it ended up being positive news it was still not nice to do on your own. Hopefully everything is all good 💜
All was ok thankfully x
Oh good these babies do like to test us 😅
My LO wasn’t allowed on the unit I had to go on my own but I wasn’t EBF so they might be different in different hospitals x