i think she’s not only overreacting but she isn’t being supportive for you at all when you were just informing her🤨 a good friend would’ve at least been happy for you
Totally read your comment wrong at first @Alexa lol thank you!
Even her envy came at the bachelorette party as well when her friend was talking about tlking about drinking and having fun I said i can't and my friend answered for me when the girl asked why. She goes she pregnant and said it at my bridal shower like girl don't act like I made a whole announcement i was literally crying when I told her because I was going through alot at the time.
And after all was said nd done it was like walking on eggshells if we hungout because she made it clear to not talk about my pregnancy because she hadn't had a child it was the saddest thing yet here I am trying to be supportive for her
I kinda know what you mean when you said your friend felt like you stole her thunder. I was put in a similar situation at my friend’s bridal dinner. It was only 8 of us sitting at the table with the bride and I was 8.5months prego. Everyone was asking about my pregnancy and talking about it and I felt like it took them away from talking about my friend, the reason why we were all there. I had to divert the conversation a few times to stop them from talking about pregnancy topics. Luckily my friend is super supportive and nice, but I still feel like she had to feel some type of way.
Reading your reply’s it seems your “friend” is jealous of you. She could’ve addressed it and left it alone, but it’s obvious she feels so strong about this. Unlike the comment above, you didn’t even speak about it the whole bridal shower, you said it in front of 3 people. The fact her and her mom brought it up once, then speaking for you at the bachelorette party, and then again once you hungout, yea no, she wouldn’t be my “friend” anymore. Especially after telling you that you cannot speak about your own pregnancy anymore. She is not a good friend.
If she brings it up again, I would mention to her that you didn’t want it to come out at the bridal shower but you didn’t make a huge announcement and you had to tell her at some point. Ask her why she keeps bringing it up and telling other people that you basically ruined her day. I would also make it clear you can speak about your pregnancy all you want and if she’s not going to be supportive she can get lost
Thank you. Yea I just really have to stop letting people treat me any kind of way. I told her I didn't plan on telling on the day because it was her bridal shower. I couldn't hold it in it made me sick to my stomach to not tell her . She always made it a sad thing whenever I would tell her how my pregnancy was. or the name I picked for my son was weird to her. I already was so sad that my pregnancy was unplanned and if course my choices weren't the best obviously since I got pregnant and she claims my son as her nephew ....
Why didn't you tell her before that day?
That’s odd of her and her mom, how did you steal anyone’s thunder when really no one was even around.