@Siobhan I’m currently overdue for my second baby, my little girl is 2. But this is a massive worry of mine, from talking to friends I think it’s quite normal, but if it makes you feel better I am really dreading this feeling, but I’m sure your doing amazing Mumma and she will be back to normal in no time! X
Can’t offer very much wisdom as our first is 2.5 so a little older but definitely for the last statement agree with you/the reel. The baby won’t know they’ve waited an extra 2 minutes but the toddler will definitely know you appeared to make a choice of the baby over them. Obviously within reason, it’s quite circumstantial depending on the 2 different needs. How old is your younger one? Ours is now 5 weeks and for the first maybe 10 days toddler was a bit skeptical however now she is obsessed with helping her, when the baby cries she tries to comfort her, if it doesn’t work she tells me the baby wants milk etc to cheer her up. So it may just take a bit of time.
I feel/felt exactly the same 🥺 When my LO was born four weeks ago I cried many times because I couldn’t be with my toddler. He’s changed and often pushes the baby off me because he wants a cuddle. It’s heartbreaking. My hormones were everywhere and still are 🥺. I think it’s a mixture of hormones and that you love your older child too. Just take day by day as that’s what I’m doing. I tend to my toddler first as I just feel so sorry for him as it’s a huge change for him. When I’m feeding my baby I try and give a lot of eye contact to my toddler and he seems to like it. I don’t know what the answer is as I’m going through this too 🥺 it’s hard but keep going, your older child will adjust but I think it will take months maybe 🤷♀️ just like mine might. ❤️
Aww I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’ll admit my biggest worry was I wouldn’t love the new baby as much as my eldest but that definitely soon changed I know I love them both but I can’t help but worry about my eldest that she feels pushed out. This morning was the first morning all week she’s come out and given me a cuddle so as they say I think it is just baby steps. She will adjust and so will I I’m sure. I just get worried she won’t be her bubbly self everyone always commented how confident she was but has gone a bit quiet. It must be overwhelming for them. Although this video might be her only interaction but it was cute and did make me cry 😂😅
Ok after reading that back I’ve realised I’m definitely all in the feels and it’s more than likely the hormones making me over think everything.