@Cheyann yes we talked about different types of inductions with a previous c section and foley catheter (0 risk) and pitocin/oxytocin (risk doubles from 0.5% to 1%) are "safe" but prostaglandin is not recommended. I have a follow up appointment in a few days so I'll ask more questions. Just don't want to be induced if it'll result in a c section anyways but I guess there's no way of knowing ahead of time With your first did you find the measurements were accurate?
He was 10 lbs at birth at 39 weeks 4 days, so that ultrasound was pretty accurate since they gain about a pound every two weeks and he was measuring 8lbs 3oz at 36 weeks 2 days. His head has also been in the "greater than 99th percentile" since birth. However, the further along you are the less accurate the ultrasounds are. He was measuring 11lbs 9oz two days before my c section, so that one was way off.
I've always heard that they won't induce you if you had a previous c section because the contractions are stronger and there's more risk of uterine rupture. I would honestly go for an elective c section, but I've personally never been interested in trying a VBAC. I had an elective c section with my first because at 36 weeks he was measuring full term +2 days and his head was measuring 44 weeks, and I didn't want my birth story to be like my MILs ( my husbands big head almost killed her), and I had a great experience. Now I'm having twins and one was measuring a week ahead at 17 weeks so I'm definitely not trying a VBAC now.