
My little boy has turned one and we can’t start the milk ladder again until May. He has 3 to 4 formula bottles a day - I’ve tried making one of them an Oat milk bottle but he won’t touch it he have a few sips but he’s not that keen on it. What milk did you try? How did you transition it? Any help welcome 🤗
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Have you tried swapping out an oz at a time? So a 7oz bottle, 6oz of his formula and 1oz oat milk and then increase it by an oz every day until it’s a full bottle of oat milk? My 3 year old is CMPA and he was on formula until he quit all bottles at around 15/16 months. He wouldn’t take any of the milk alternatives as a drink and I feel this is because I left it too long to transition him. He won’t even drink the oat/soya milkshakes. My 8 month old is also CMPA and I’m going to transition him onto oat milk as soon as he turns a year old using the oz by oz method in the hopes that he’ll take to it as a drink 🤞.

@Lyndsay thank you!! I will try that with his next bottle today, I did do 4oz oat milk and 4oz formula but like you say I think that was too much change at once xx

We’re going through the exact same thing at the moment. Won’t be seeing a dietitian until mid March. I’ve tried her with soo many different milks and she won’t take any of them even with swapping out the oz😩

When mine was 11 months I done oat with a sippy cup at meal times and then when 1 I’ve done oz for oz currently we are 4oz formula 3oz oat but it’s near 2 weeks before we can swap an oz longest process of my life

I used full fat cows milk. Formula then a little bit of milk taking it down till it's full milk. Worked within a week! Then stopped bottles a few weeks after 1st birthdays to sippy cups.

Can we give cows milk after 6months? I am combi feeding currently but it seems like my milk production is slowly decreasing. My LO is 4 month.

@Tenzin I thought it was 1 you can take them off formula.

@Tenzin No you can’t. You can use it in cooking once they hit 6 months but they can only have it to drink from 12 months old x

Thank you @Sophie-Jayne and @Juliast

My concern is my breast milk is reducing and currently my LO takes my expressed breast milk during day and 1or 2 formula feeds at night. Today I was short with my milk so I tried formula during the day but he is completely refusing formula at day time. Any advise pls

@Tenzin If you’re pumping you could do 1oz formula to however many oz you can pump and them slowly increase the formula and reduce the breastmilk until you get to a full bottle of formula x

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