I used Huckleberry with my first but I’d say if you’re planning on breastfeeding just be mindful as I felt like it actually increased my anxiety as I’d be timing how long each feed was and questioning if it was long enough etc. But for the other stuff it’s great and some people really like the paid version which creates a sleep schedule for you and tells you when to put them down etc (never found it worked for us when I tried the free trials)
Pampers or Huckleberry
The wonder weeks is good it helps monitor growth spurts and new schedules your baby will get into. With regards to Breastfeeding you feed on demand and your milk changes accordingly so sometimes they might just be thirsty sometimes hungry and your milk changes composition accordingly so I don’t know if you can time and monitor that xx
We used huckleberry the first time around - may use it again this time
I second baby tracker, used with my first and will be again this time x
Thanks everyone!
Baby tracker. Used it with my first little boy and thought it was good x