Daycare laws

Okay moms I need your help. First time mom who has her son in daycare. He is a year old in the toddler room. They have told me he can’t have bottles anymore. Is that their preference or law?
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Preference 💯 if you have a ped or a therapist or early steps write something he needs it for comfort etc you can overrule it.

My twins were preemies and behind. Daycare went by ages and ignored their delays and tried this. It didn’t go over well.

If your child is developmentally normal then they should be weaned off bottles by 1 or shortly after. The daycare i worked for would work with the parents to wean them off bottles but most of the time once they're in the room with other kids seeing them drink from sippy cups the bottle isn't even a problem anymore. We had 2 sets of twins who were both premies and they didn't even need the bottle for long after moving into the 1 year old room. Bottle weaning should technically begin before 1 so that by 1 they're done with it. It's not a law but it could be policy for the daycare. Also the problem with bottles is in the 1 year old room they aren't allowed to walk around with them. They sit at the table for drink breaks or can ask for their teacher for their drinks so they have a drink then it's put back away.

Preference I will say, yes is recommended to wean off bottle after 1 but is not an obligation. Now to move to the 2yo room they let the parents know the kids need to be able to drink from a cup unless something medical is preventing it. They want all the kids to be on the same page, and avoid unnecessary hassle and set back

in the daycares i worked at it was the policy. but its apart of their development process you know. sometimes the director wouldn’t let them fully transition over depending on certain milestones.

@Briana if you’re referring to my comment. When the daycare tried taking my twins bottles they weren’t even walking yet. Couldn’t eat solids nothing. They were 1 but truely like 7 months. By preemie I mean like they were born 28 weeks and spent 3 months in a level 4 nicu hours away from home. They were micro preemie. So dont assume preemie as the same as others and don’t push that on preemie parents bc we shouldn’t have to explain that.

@Chelsea girl are you ok????

My baby is 1 and I don't send her bottles to daycare. I'm just afraid it'll get mixed up with other kids and then she'll put it in her mouth. I am extremely careful with ther stuff. It was my previous experience with a daycare my son would attend. One day I walk in to pick him up and he was sucking on a pacifier all black with mold and missing a chuck of the rubber (where they suck) and that wasnt even his paci. Since then I refuse to send in things they can share with other kids by accident.

@Chelsea um if i was referring to your comment I would have said so. I didn't assume anything about your life. I was giving my take as a daycare teacher. I was commenting on OP's post so you need to chill.

@Chelsea also if you read my original comment I said as long as the child is developmentally normal. You stated yours had delays so I'm not sure how my comment even affected you.

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