
My HCG was 202 on Wednesday and today it was 453. I know that is an increase and just over double but I can’t help think it’s still on the low side. When I had my first child, my levels started higher and obviously then were higher after 48 hours. Also a friend who started on 232 shot up to over 1000 in 48 hours so I’m just a bit worried. Do lower levels mean less chance of successful pregnancy? Nervous 😞
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What day past transfer are you? X

@Jess I’m 12dpt x

My beta was 328 at 13dp5dt, he’s now a happy healthy 4 year old 🥰 we only had one beta so had no idea if it was doubling or doing as it should - remember a natural pregnancy usually wouldn’t have a clue either! Your numbers indicate a strong positive pregnancy and I really wouldn’t class them as low at all given how many days past transfer you are! I know it’s hard, but try to not overthink the numbers and comparison is the enemy! X

@Jess thank you so much 🥹🥹🥹 just nervous and emotional!! We had 3 transfers with my son, and this was our first one so I can’t really believe it either xx

I feel you 🫶🏻 our son was the first transfer but it took 4 transfers and a new fresh cycle for a sibling (we didn’t have the beta with second pregnancy) Please feel free to message me if you ever need x

@Jess you’re so lovely thank you x

My beta with my oldest was a bit short of 700 and over 3000 2 days later. With my 1 year old it was just over 100 and around 300 on the same days. Every pregnancy is just different. You’re within normal range and I wouldn’t worry.

I had 2 very different beta scenarios. My first was 10/13/15 DPT and 178/577/1127. He’s now almost 3. My second successful pregnancy (I’m 38w) was 10/12/14 DPT and 71/157/425. This one was after a MC and I was so worried because the numbers were so much lower. I asked my clinic if the numbers should be higher and they said the numbers at first can range from like 50-700+ and each person / pregnancy is different; the important thing is that they rose appropriately. I understand higher betas are more comforting (certainly was to me) but you have a good rise, so I’d try to focus on that (I know how hard that can be).

Amazing increase! Every pregnancy is different, I haven't met many women with simular Betas in different pregnancies if I'm honest 🤷🏼‍♀️💖

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