Definitely not okay!!!
I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can’t even begin to imagine how disorientating this must feel. I hope you’ll be ok and I hope you have a strong support system around you. Sending virtual hugs x
Messed up!! Suggest to him therapy or something
Wow, I don't know how this could be considered a joke! It's so scary! 😭 I would seriously be considering my options... I've fled DV, I know how hard it is but your baby will give you strength! Xx
Please be careful, they test to see how you react first. I'm a survivor of DV and it builds over time. Making it seem like you're overreacting is gaslighting and it's designed to make you question yourself. You're right to be afraid
That definitely sounds like an intimidation tactic 💔🙏🏻
Not acceptable in anyway. I agree with @Menna 💡 about him trying to test boundaries. Do not temp fate. I think the line is drawn now and you create distance for you and your baby
That is absolutely not a joke and in no way funny. It sounds like a way to test your boundaries to see what he could get away with, even with the baby (honestly moreso because of the baby) I would be leaving.
That is so f-ed up. You should think about leaving, especially because you have a baby. What kind of nightmare is he going to bring upon your child? How far does he let these "jokes" get? Your baby is watching and learning every day... I'm sorry this was part of your life. ❤️
This is in no way a joke. Have known my husband over a decade and never once has he ever used something that could be life threatening to myself as a joke. So no honey, it's not acceptable at all. You might wanna take a break to clear your mind, because u need some clarity as well. This is definitely on all grounds not okay. Sending you lots of love and hugs.
What the fuck?! 😭 please make a plan to leave, this is not ok and I fear this is only the start. Please get out before it’s too late.
I would be making plans to leave this relationship. The fact that you have a baby is not a reason to stay in an abusive relationship. It is a reason to get out of the situation, for your sake and the baby's. Do you have family and friends who can help you? X
When he’s sleeping pour some ice cold water over him for a “joke”
A baby is not a reason to stay. If you’d leave without one definitely leave with one. It won’t be easy but it’s not impossible. Stay safe and create a plan. Tell people do keep it a secret from your friends and family. Don’t tell him what you’re going to do just do it
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Yeah, I don't think this is a funny joke and could be the start of something that there would be no coming back from. I'm sorry you are going through this but you don't want your child to consider this as normal behaviour when they get older x
That was NOT a joke. Pack your and baby’s things while he is gone, and leave. Do not tell him beforehand. Please, for the safety of you and your baby. This is only the beginning if you stay.
don't stay just because you have a baby, I k ow its easy said than done. No one with his sound mind would do that, you should leave at least for a few days if you can to show him he crossed a line. I hope you have people that can support you. I would also tell his family, friends about it. He needs to realised that's not ok. If you don't feel safe, really, leave
Omg that’s not funny or a joke at all. FYI just because you have a baby with someone doesn’t mean you’re stuck with them for life.
Get you and that baby out of there . Fucking weirdo.
Only someone capable of killing someone would find this type of thing a “joke”