Possible miscarriage

I was 5 days late but have started bleeding today. The period cramps are the worst I have ever had, almost like contraction pains. Could it be an early miscarriage?
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5 days late if it was a miscarriage it wouldn't be any different to a regular period as the body wouldn't have to work gard to expel the egg So having bad cramps this early isn't a sign of a mc (or what would be a chemical this early) I've had 13 mc over the years

@Heather thank you, would you differentiate by the blood being more watery but with clots? I’m really sorry you’ve had 13 😢

It's impossible to tell and there's not much difference in the lining so early on The only way to know is if you had a positive test then bleed. I really wouldn't read too much into it or you'll only torture yourself on if you were or not

With my chemical, my period came about 5/6 days late, was reallllly heavy, and I had worse cramps than normal! At this point I had seen my tests getting lighter, so was expecting it. Have you done any tests? As Heather above has said, it’s horrible when it happens so sometimes best not to know and take it as a late period x

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