@Natasha thank you So black is safe days for not getting pregnant ⚫️
As above, the blue circled one is your predicted ovulation day and is your highest chance to get pregnant. The other blue ones are also chances to get pregnant according to the app 🥰
Remember, it's not 100%, I fell pregnant 4 days after my fertile window, so in this app on a black number xx
@Deb oh gosh - thanks! I am Not looking to get pregnant!
When you first start using the app it isn't accurate at all. It's basing it's predictions on the average cycle - 28 days with ovulation around day 14. It's guess work. The more data you record about your own cycle the more accurate it's predictions are. Some people ovulate earlier, some later, you need to figure out when you ovulate. Some cycles are shorter - mine are 24-26 days for example There are no truly safe days in terms of not getting pregnant unless you really know your body and your cycle
Red is your period and green is when ur expected to ovulate, I don't think it's that accurate until uve had a few months entered so it can work out how ur cycle is ect as it uses the average of 28 day cycle until it has enough info about u, making it more reliable, But remember sperm can servive for up to 5 days inside u, so if ur not looking to get pregnant then I'd just becareful around ovulation (green days)
@Zoey thanks so much
@Aimee thank you New to it so will be safe
Red is ur monthly cycle and blue is ovulation