Anyone in the military? Anyone in the reserves? Can you please share your experience

I’m thinking about joining the Army Reserves or maybe Navy reserves to pay for my education. Is it really just one weekend a month? Are they very demanding outside of those weekends? Is it worth it?
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hi i’m not but i knew a lot of people who were. you still have to go through basic training and tech school. after it is one time a month, where you go to the base closest to you. my friend who is in the army reserves gets called to go to certain places. so sometimes he’s gone 3 months out of the year, or even more.

I'm not, but my husband just retired from 16yrs Army Reserves. From what I understand, he got some money from GI bill for college but not much - maybe worth it for community college but he still had to take out a lot of loans for university (which was an affordable state school). He deployed after graduating & NOW he is eligible for a lot more money for education. He started a Masters program but paused when the pandemic hit, currently debating re-starting since it's basically free. You also need to keep good grades, since you owe money back if you fail a class. Also, if you're going military, go Navy or Air Force. He wishes he had chosen anything besides Army, but he was 18 when he signed up and didn't think too much into it. It was 1 weekend a month (2 or 3 days, sometimes needed to take off work) and 1 trip (2-4 wks) a year (working on projects in Guatemala, Germany, and US). Not very demanding, more of a time suck (unless you deploy!), helpful for funding education but don't expect a full ride. Goodluck!

You won’t be eligible for a lot of the benefits as a reservist unless you are “activated”. Because as a reservist you aren’t putting as much into the forces as active duty. So benefits aren’t the same. Go talk to a recruiter.

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