For a peer support group for new moms, I think this is a great idea!
This is an awesome idea
I think it’s a good idea if you’re comfortable with your clients being around your baby. I don’t know that my therapist would want to cross that personal/professional line. But if you’re okay, I would probably be comfortable trying it. I also think that it depends on your baby’s temperament and how the first few sessions go (so everyone is clear that it’s new for everyone and you’re still figuring it out… and you may not continue it).
It’s definitely an interesting idea, but I’m a marriage and family therapist myself, and I can’t say that I’d be entirely comfortable getting that personal with my clients in their treatment. I have to think more on this to understand my gut reaction, but I like the idea of hosting a group for mom’s with their babies just not bringing my own in order to keep some therapeutic distance.
Please tell me this will me in New York because I need something like this. I don’t even leave the house.
i’d feel connected in this life stage but also curious and surprised by you having your baby there (seems like a big boundary shift from usual set ups), and probably wonder if you’d be able to focus on the group/me enough
OP here, thanks all for the feedback! To be clear this would be a virtual group, specifically about how to redefine our senses of self with babies, so everyone bringing their baby seems important. I draw from models of therapy that are a little more familiar rather than boundaried regarding the therapist being a real person and self disclosure, but the concerns makes sense regardless, especially if my baby starts fussing, which he rarely does but still possible.
Very connected bc you are in the same stage of life as your client you have 1st hand experience