I used lil-lets maternity pads, they were so comfy. Main thing I’d say is make sure you get fragrance free as I wore scented ones without realising twice after birth and they irritated me SO much.
Lil lets they're great!
Another vote for the lil lets. They were perfect
I used lil lets too. So comfy and never had any problems with leaks x
I used Abena premium from Amazon, can’t fault them!
Frida disposable knickers and lil-lets maternity pads xx
The boots ones are really comfortable and so soft!
@Amber yeah in2nd boots used them with bith mu babies, even Sainsbury's long maxi pads are great they're like 90p 😅
Lil lets
I bought the kotex nighttime pads. But honestly I did just use the always discreet pants the whole time😂
Lil lets! Tried lots with my first child, only bought lil lets for my second birth because I liked them so much! Hated the pants. Hated the thick ones I tried from Boots and supermarket, thought the cushioning would help, but they just put a lot more pressure onto my tears and episiotomy. Ouch.
@Sophie I’ve ordered these from reading lots of reviews x
Lilets and boots maternity pads , boots nursing pads are good too
@Shanice Jeffrey I’ve seen boots has changed their packaging so hoping the product is still the same tho 😅 I’ll grab some pads next time I’m in town!
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Trusted by 5M+ women
@Sophie Ive ordered those thinking of night time as they seem a little bigger and I’m petrified of leaking through 😅
I used the Boots ones and they were amazing. Inexpensive and i felt comfortable
I found the lil let maternity ones really good!
I got a really good deal on lilets ones on amazon ☺️
I find tena night pads effective when super heavy and I've just found 4 pack of disposable underwear on amazon for 13.25. Very cost effective so I'll be trying those.
Lil-lets maternity. They’re the only ones with wings and don’t move!
Lil lets they are the best
I used asda and lilets both were fab x
Wear the pull ups believe me 😂
Abena from Amazon! In a white/peach/pink pack! Amazing.
I didn’t like the pants as pit pressure on my stitches. lil legs were great initially then the Tesco thinner pads were great after a weak or so
If you’re willing to spend a bit more I’d recommend organic cotton as your body’s just gone through such an ordeal so reduce the chemicals and perfume elements that are soaking into your new mummy hormones
@Dominika I was skeptical at first considering its boots but then when I had my little one back h December . It did the job . Same with lilets maternity pads . Highly recommended ☺️I think it’s the same product even if they change the package . Hope this helps
I used lil let's maternity pads which worked well for me