Not present. It was super quick. Make sure you have a lot of vaseline to apply the weeks after it for healing. We had a TON of pee blowouts because of the vaseline so be prepared. Also about a week later it looked worse and then got better.
It present but was super fast and he seemed to be unfazed by the whole thing. Healed up great and was pretty smooth!
I regret getting my son circumcised, he’s almost two now but the first month of his life was hell for us.. he was always fussy and seemed in pain and we think it’s because of the circumcision. I wasn’t physically present for the procedure but if I had been I would have stopped them after finding out how they have to do it.. there has been babies who have died when the procedure is taking place and if I had known I would have never done it.. the healing process was ok just stressful for us. If I could go back in time I would have never done it, I would have let my son choose when he is older
Wasn't present for either of my boys. My boys never had any issues. I actually got props from the Dr for using more than enough Vaseline on it.
I was present for my first sons. He didn't even cry at all. My second son i wasn't and he cried alot because he hates the cold he will cry every diaper change or clothing change even in a warm room he just can't stand it. My second I'm really glad I got it done because he wasn't peeing at all just pooping. And when he did pee finally it was orange semi bloody. Afterwards he pees fine. Doctor said he had over grown foreskin so pee was getting trapped. I preferred not being in the room more. If you don't like needles etc. I wouldn't.
We weren’t present, he was gone for less than 30 minutes and my OB came back in to explain how everything went right after (perfectly fine). He seemed unfazed and recovery was easy, just gauze and ointment for about 2 weeks