I am wondering if you may be breastfeeding? When I had bloodwork done while breastfeeding, my cholesterol was a lot higher than normal. It has since come down after i stopped. I just wanted to mention that. I was upset about it. I am in the same position with the pre diabetes. I have maintained workouts and try to eat healthy. I have a 2.5 year old that is a terrible sleeper. The lack of sleep made me crave sweets so badly. It may help to find a healthy snack you can eat when you are having those cravings. I used to have a little bit of peanut butter. It may help to come up with a few safe snacks that you grab.
I'd suggest using one of those apps to track what you eat. Maybe it will give you some insight into what of the things of eat that are the heaviest contributors to the sugar. Maybe? But yeah maybe getting retested a few months after breastfeeding would be a good idea too. Stay strong ☺️
Stress will increase your blood glucose and your cholesterol. If you’re not getting enough sleep, that will do it too! You need cholesterol otherwise your brain, all your cells, your hormones won’t function properly. Find ways to manage your stress and eat things that are high in protein and good fats - eggs, avocado, nuts, grass fed butter, ghee, grass fed meats and full fat dairy.
@Kim yes I am breastfeeding my baby is 9 months old and yes I do get cravings mostly at night I have been eating apples and peanut butter at night and yes I haven’t been sleeping good at all 😣
@Ali I read that whole daily is not good doctor say no read meat and yes I do have some stress and not sleeping well due breastfeeding and crib transition
Thank you so much everyone for the suggestions n advices i will do everything in my power to keep those levels down n also keep the positivity of diabetes in my life we are in the process of moving this month so wish me luck with the stress 
Working out is such a good thing to do and I normally just do a 20 minute indoor walking workout at home (36 weeks pregnant) The amount you do isn’t important but it’s about getting that blood flowing so no need to overdo it you just need to elevate your heart rate. Try sourdough bread if you like bread this might help as it doesn’t spike as much as the really processed bread. Make sure you check the list for things that add to high cholesterol and just stay away from those and try to add more fruit and veg into your diet where you can x