😂😂😂😂omg the baby was moving like crazy lol
@Kween lol! Totally checks out. My baby hates the ultrasounds. She’s so freaking over it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maybe it’s the same for you?
Yea that happened with my last lol this baby was all over 😂😂
I’m pretty sure baby is just facing the us lol. 😂 I love how they all look so weird in ultrasound form sometimes.
Omg lol I’ve never seen an ultrasound like this lol it freaked me out 😂😂😂
@Kween lol 😂 I probably would’ve freaked out too lol 😂 but I’ve seen a lot like this before 😅 is this your first baby?
Nvm I just looked and this is your second lol. I’ve just been in a lot of mom groups where I’ve seen some pretty weird looking ones
No lol my third none of my other ultrasounds look like that one 😂😂
This my third love @Star
@Kween Baha I’m wrong again lol. I never personally had any look like this, but I’ve seen a few crazy ones from my mom groups.
Haha! I had a 12 week scan where my bean was also looking like an alien. I’m no expert but I think your baby’s back is facing the ultrasound and baby’s head is a little lifted up. Like the fetal position away from the ultrasound so I think you’re seeing the back, neck and arms and legs. My best guess! My bean always tries to turn away from the ultrasound, like a teenager that wants 5 more minutes of sleep lol. EDIT: Actually sorry I think I’m exactly wrong! For some reason I thought her head was on the left. Sorry I think she’s facing the ultrasound. Faces head on look CRAZY don’t they? 🤣 anyway I wouldn’t worry baby is looking great!