So my BD has put us in rent & council tax arrears, found out he’s spending £100s in the betting shops, he’s a useless pile of crap in terms of housework and helping with baby (even though he’s unemployed and at home or at the betting shops), smokes weed every second of the day and engages in bad activities BUT IM A TYPICAL BITTER WOMAN IF I MOVE OUT AND LIVE ELSEWHERE WITH MY SON? It’s enough to make a saint swear
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May sound like a bitchy question but I used to work for betfred online. Have you ever considered contacting gam stop and the local bookies to force him to have a ban for so long. Pretty sure you can ask for 6 months to 5 years but the amount of wives I'd get at their wits end after the husband spent half his wage on horses. We'd just block all the accounts and note why. If it's financially impacting you and the kids is an addiction sadly.

He can call you whatever names he feels, don’t make it true. If you want out, get out. Those are his money problems, not yours.

Tell me about it sounds similar to my issue and tbh iv already got one dead beat dad for my son so wouldn't be surprised if my daughter ends up the same at this rate

@Sophie omg I’ve never heard of this!!!! He’s been banned from betfred and coral already from what I know cause now he’s going to paddypower but I want to do this - do you know if they tell him the reason why??

@Jessica I’m working on getting a place for me and my son as we speak! I’ve had enough of this shit

@Shonagh Charlie I’m sorry 😞 what is wrong with these men!!!

You could technically mark it as fraudulent spending if you share an account or card. Or if you're name is on anything. I again don't want to cause upset or panic but I would double check he hasn't made any accounts in your name. I've seen that before too sadly

My FIL told me he had contacted the WiFi provider and had all the gambling sites banned, I didn't even know that you could do that

Not for me I'm not a gambler just a conversation that came up before lol

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