@Maeve wow that is a big change! Did you ever have a ‘grief’ feeling as they call it that you didnt get the birth you wanted? Because knowing I have to go through a section and not deliver the way I wanted to is bit of a downer, but glad you had a good experience 😊
My bang flipped breach and had fetal growth restriction at 36 weeks. We delivered by c section at 37 weeks. I cried at first because I had wanted an unmedicated vaginal birth, and had prepped so much! But when I found out she had FGR, I was just wanting her out safely and healthy and I no longer cared. It was a wonderful experience overall, and everyone was kind and helpful.
Honestly elective c sections are nothing like the horror stories. You'll only be in theatre around an hour and baby will be out in first 10/15 mins... the rest of the time flys by! All being well they'll probably discharge you the next day. The only pain I felt was a few seconds sting for the needles and the recovery was achey but totally manageable on paracetamol and ibuprofen taken religiously for 2 weeks. I was able to carry him in car seat briefly the next day. Got down to change him on the floor. Was putting washing in and wiping spills on the floor a few days later... it's all doable slowly and carefully. We were out walking week 2 and visiting family. Week 3 I drove.
Hospital bag: Maternity notes/info Long phone charger Change/money Loads of snacks + still lucozade Gum, fibre bars Magazine Ear phones/ plugs Big pants and pads Comfort bras 2x nighties 1x light dressing gown Slippers Comfy going home clothes- bigger leggings, best tops, baggy hoodie Face wipes Light makeup Tooth brush and paste Mini Shower gel and deodorant Dry shampoo, brush, bobbles. Tissues Baby: 2 packs of wipes Half a carry pack of nappies 10ish Nappy bags 2x hats and mitts 7 vests 7 grows Cardigan/jacket Cellular blanket Thicker blanket if cold Going home outfit? 4x Muslins Ready to feed formula/bottles if hospital don't provide. Pillow for drive home.
At home: Stock up on paracetamol and ibuprofen Windeaze and constipation relief Gum and fibre bars. Still lucozade Caddy up and downstairs with Muslins Nappy, nappy bags, wipes, dummy Cream, snacks. Put everything you'll need at arm level, so no bending. For example in the shower... towel over the rail, shampoo/gel on the sink. I bought a range of pads... always discreet, maternity pads, always night/ultra. To be honest my pp bleeding was a lot lighter than I expected so it was nice to have a selection and pick. (I hated waddling around in maternity pads)
Most uk hospitals operate an enhanced recovery pathway for c sections..... if you Google that phrase there will be loads of useful info on what to expect. Xx
@Vicky oh wow that’s really helpful actually! Thank you! That’s reassuring for definite x
@Brielle I’ve not heard a bad experience yet with elective so it’s kind of put my mind to ease really, suppose we have to have an open mind as baby can just do what they want lol! X
@Caitlyn I cried like a baby. Both when we went home to pack a bag and throughout the night we spent on the ward being monitored before surgery. Big, shuddery, snottery, ugly sobs. Then as soon as we were called down to theatre I let it all go and focused on meeting my baby. I think letting it all out helped me move on without any lingering sadness/grief. We also used the rented birth pool for a family bath when baby was about a week old which was really lovely 🥰
@Maeve oh I can imagine! 🥲 I feel like when reality hits and I’m there waiting I’d just let it all out and be fine after it lol! Wow that’s good I didn’t even know you could do that! I’ll definitely be looking that up
@Caitlyn I defo recommend letting it all out! It is so much better for you in the long run 💕
I definitely had a major hysterical moment before/during the spinal (and I look back and cringe...it was like they were about to "put me down" 🐶😂) streaming tears, snot, shaking, wailing the lot. (Pre section I was quite white coat and needle phobic... now they can do anything to me) Once the spinal was done it was like I just relaxed and was totally chill the rest of the time. If it's your first it really is all nerves and that's the worst bit... the state you get yourself into. Now I know what it's like and what to expect I don't think I'd be anywhere near as dramatic a second time.
I had a c-section due to a breech baby, and was exactly the same as you as its never part of the ‘plan’ but the day was truly magical, it was so calm & the staff in theatre were amazing, talking us through everything & trying to keep us calm, they let us choose music in the room. The midwife had my partners phone & took pictures all through which is amazing to look back on now 🩷 Pack comfy clothes, high waisted underwear and a long wire phone charger and remember you need plenty of rest after xx
I found out at 42 weeks that my baby was breech and he was delivered by caesarean the following day. I had been hoping for a home birth in a pool, so it was a pretty drastic change of plan, but honestly the whole experience was really calm & controlled, I felt totally safe throughout. I found it really helpful to use breathing techniques from my pregnancy yoga class to calm my mind when being taken through the various steps and I had headphones to listen to nice music while on the ward waiting to be called.