
Anyone elses baby still not babbling? She makes lots of noises, fake coughs, raspberries etc but no ‘ma, da, ba’ sounds yet. I feel like she should be doing this by now 😢
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No babbling here either! He started doing this very throaty sound recently and can say 'ggggg' but that's about it.

Mine is exactly the same. Making the throaty noises like Julia said. "G" noises, also puffing from his mouth more (maybe an attempt at raspberry's🤣) makes "Ah" "Oh" noises, and fake coughs but no mixed consonants/vowel sounds yet. I've been worried about it for a while so glad to know it's not just us!

I mentioned it to the HV's last time I took him to be weighed and they said to not worry, apparently it should develop more around 10 months but some babies just do it all earlier. As long as they're making some sounds it's fine

My girl screeches, roars and screams but no babbling yet. They will all get there in their own time

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