Does he babble anything? Or have noises/sounds that mean something? Mama, Dada, baba, etc. All count. As does anything they use verbally to associate to things. Even hand signals count. Saying actual words with proper annunciation at around a year is rare and definitely not expected.
My 1/30 son hasn't started talking yet. He can kind of pronounced vowels. I've been trying to read to him more often. I can tell he is trying to copy sounds though. He can say "uh-oh" but I don't think he knows what it means yet.
@Tiffani does your son do any consonants x
I wouldn’t say baby’s that age have anything to do with b talking except naming sounds or saying mama , dada etc
@Roo Kinda? He can say ma and da, but he doesn't prescribe meaning.
My son turns 1 on 2/21 and hasn’t said his first words yet either. He’s babbles: but hasn’t put anything together to form a word.
My daughter only says a few things mama,dada,uh-oh, and no. I feel like you don’t need to worry yet. Maybe just practice with him more. I’m sure he will get it soon! I heard Ms Rachel show can help with getting kids to talk. My daughter loves that show.
@Kendra my son has the same birthday and does the same. He babbles mainly but can say da-da and uh-oh
@Diane it’s nice to see others saying their one year olds are the same, at our 9 month appointment his pediatrician tried to say he was delayed and should have already been saying mama/dada/baba at that time; which I thought was insane. He will say words when he’s ready to!! 😂😫
Boys take longer to talk generally and all milestones are averages. I wouldn't worry too much yet mama 🫂
Our friend’s ped said they’ll watch and wait until 2.5 before suggesting interventions. Sorry! Hard to wait!
My baby is 12 months Monday and isn't doing consonants yet 😭