Loose clothing, pads, disposable underwear, high waisted underwear, compression socks (in case of swollen feet/ankles), nursing bra
Big knickers and comfortable trousers are essential, you don’t want anything that could rub on your wound. Think comfort all around really. I took my own pillow, a dressing gown and slippers too. For baby you’ll want all the essentials: a few baby grows, vests, hats, mittens, blankets, nappies, cotton, bottles and milk (if using). I took 2 different sizes in the clothes - newborn and 3-6. Then it’s things like toiletries, phone charger, hairbrush, breast pads. Also what might be helpful is some peppermint tea as you can get quite bad pain from trapped air caused from the surgery - mine was all in my shoulder - and peppermint tea helps. Maybe an eye mask and ear buds if you’ll be on a ward overnight as sleep is near impossible x
A long phone charging cable (sockets are never nearby). And probably a power bank for your phone). If you plan to breast feed, pre-emptively take nipple shields and nipple cream (no one tells you about nipple shields until you are in excruciating pain, and can’t get them - then you end up having to abandon breast feeding for an avoidable reason).
Stool softener and chewing gum were a must have for me after my c section!! The stool softener helped me with my first poo and the gas and the chewing gum helped break down the air trapped in ur body. You’ll still bleed vaginally even from a c section so large pads or diapers were great too. My hospital gave me a waist band to wear after surgery but if urs typically doesn’t do that, I’d bring one- it helped protect my incision.
Definitely take your pregnancy pillow if you have one! Mine helped to prop me up and I couldn’t have done without it!
Long cord charger, empty bag - the nurses are generous to send home free supplies
Your own pillow Long charger Nightie Cotton full underwear Maternity pads Tena high waisted underwear Slippers / sliders / flip flops Nursing bra Toiletries Hairbrush Eye mask Chewing gum Nipple cream Large water bottle Our ward was incredibly hot and was basically sat in my underwear all the time. Everything I packed I didn’t even use!
Adult diapers , heating pad , nursing bra , pump , stuff for baby , nightgowns , going home outfit and toiletries also your own pillow and blanket and stuff like a iPad or ect for your own comfort 🥰
Can I add that put enough things for the first night/morning in a soft bag and get someone to leave it higher up so you can access it easily!
Maternity pads Breast pads Lose clothing I sat in my nightie after Toiletries