My daughter is 2 years 3 months old. She has never really responded to her name. Sensory difficulties such as washing hair, cutting nails has also been an issue. Around the age of 16 months developed an intense interest in numbers, lining up toys and when playing it had to be done on her agenda otherwise she would have a meltdown and this is still the case. She has no interest in other children and will only show a preference for wanting to play with myself and auntie. She hand flaps, walks on Tip toes and spins in circles which started more at 20 months. Language is delayed with lack or pronunciation and we have serious sleep issues. I have been referred to a few professionals through health visitor which are portage, speech and language and occupational therapy. But such long waiting lists.
My 19 month old is suspected ASD but too early to warrant paediatric referrals as they won’t see him until he is 2 -he hand flaps -no gestures but in last month have taught him to point, high 5 -no words but babbles -tip toes occasionally and spins(could be normal toddler behaviour) -doesn’t have much understanding beside shoes on
My son is also 16 month old and I referred him to EI because I’m concerned he may be on the spectrum. He didn’t qualify as hes doing what he’s supposed to be doing but not to me. - He responds to his name maybe 50% of the time - he has lack of gestures - he doesn’t have any real words( sometimes he will say words but I don’t really think he knows what they mean) He doesn’t have meltdown yet, he usually move on pretty quick when upsed. He’s not really attach to me or father, obviously he will prefer me or his dad than other people but he also likes interaction with other people like his nana and papa. Still not interested in or fixation or anything. He does like to spin everything. No attachment to blanket or toy.