IUD anxiety

Anyone else have the mirena and have anxiety that you will get pregnant again ? I do not want to have another one and my OB said this is the best option for me. I’m almost 2 yrs PP but have only had the IUD for around 6 months
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Eh it’s always a worry but I don’t worry too much. Tons of people don’t get pregnant that’s the whole point so I’m gonna trust it. If you don’t want anymore have you thought of tubes tied or a vasectomy

@Gabrielle my OB won’t let get my tubes tied since I only had one child . And my concern with my IUD is I can’t always feel my strings like they say to check them

I have that anxiety all the time but I think it's cuz I want to get another surprise pregnancy at the same time as not wanting to 😅

I’m literally going through this rn I got the iud about a month ago two kids 3 months pp 😭

Honestly, I had mirena before trying to get pregnant and I was anxious in general while on it. As far as getting pregnant while on it I never worried about that. After getting pregnant I switched to copper IUD because I was tired of how I felt while on mirena.

Go get it checked out. I’ve gone to make sure it’s in place and they were able to check and pull the strings out since it got tucked up

Vassectomy for the win. It was sooo easy. We were super stressed out thinking we could get pregnant despite birth control so my husband finally got a vassectomy.

Not saying this to scare you, but I got pregnant with an IUD Back in 2018. It ended up being an ectopic pregnancy and I had to get a Fallopian tube removed. That was before I had my daughter. Ever since I take monthly pregnancy tests bc I’m terrified of loosing my only other fallopian tube

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